Welcome to idiy.duckdns.org the realm of the Digital Jester, or as I like to call it "my bare metal project of love."
This site is a collection of my entire digital life, pulled from all over the internet, over many years. It includes a wide range of information on many topics, software and my own projects.
The site was born out of a need to pull my digital collection into a user-friendly and organised self service interface, rather than hunting through directories files on a hard drive. I also wanted the ability to be able to easily find other related information and or sites, with a single click. Not only does a web site allow for all of this, it was also a good way to further my interests in website development.
So site site now serves many purposes for me now some being; an easy porthole to software, information and tech tools I use when performing IT tech support out in the field (I no longer need to carry mass amounts of media around), Is easier for local users on my home network (as they no longer need to navigate network shares and is in a form they are use to using) and I'm able to point other people within hobby to circles to repositories of curated information.