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UnrealEd 2.0

UnrealED Tutorial Contents

Finding The Editor
Tutorial 1 - Moving In The Editor
Tutorial 2 - Your First Room
Tutorial 3 - Colored Lighting
Tutorial 4 - Movers
Tutorial 5 - Water
Tutorial 6 - How To Make A Waterfall
Tutorial 7 - Fire
Tutorial 8 - Fog
Tutorial 9 - Reflections And Reflective Surfaces
Tutorial 10 - Zones And Zone Barriers
Tutorial 11 - Teleporters (Quake 2 Style)
Tutorial 12 - The Finishing Touches

Finding The Editor

OK so you've decided that you want to create a map for Unreal Tournament. Well you've taken the first step, the first thing you need to do is get UnrealEd 2.0 (unless you already have it), to get it just download the latest patch for Unreal Tournament, because it's provided in there. Anyway, the editor is found in your "*:\UnrealTournament\System\" directory and it's called "UnrealED.exe"open up the editor and get familiar with the moving around process (I suggest that you read the first tutorial). I also suggest that you run the Editor on 1024 by 768 .

Tutorial 1 - Moving In The Editor

OVERVIEW Basic movement and slightly more advanced movement throughout the editor.

The most basic thing you need to know about the editor, is how to move around. Believe me this annoyed the heck out of me until I figured it out. To move around (forward, backward and turn around) you must use the left mouse button (hold and move around). To look around (any direction) you must use the right mouse button (hold and move around). And this is the most tricky one. Well for me anyway. It took me a while to figure this one out and believe me , IT HELPS!!!! Hold down both mouse buttons at the same time to move up, down, strafe left and strafe right (try to make a map without out being able to look from inside your rooms and you'll know how I feel (besides from stupid)).

Moving Objects
Objects are pretty much the same. While in the 3d view (easiest to use), to move your brush (un-textured object) , select your brush (it will show up bright red), then hold down control and use the left and right buttons (not at the same time) to move your object forward, backward and sideways. To move up and down, once again hold both mouse buttons down.
Note: When moving an object (while holding control and whichever mouse button) the object will only move when you move the mouse to the left or right (the logic escapes me when moving something up or down).

2D Views
These are very handy when trying to place an object right on the ground or a wall etc. So try to use these if you get stuck (or to prevent you getting stuck). Movement in 2d Views: Normal movement applies. Object movement in 2d Views: Hold control and move with left mouse button. Advanced object movement in 2d Views: This becomes REALLY HELPFUL. Highlight an object (click on it) and then hold down control and the right mouse button. The object will begin to rotate!!! You can position it however you want if you use all the 2d views. Top view: Rotates it Side view: Flips it Undo <-> Redo : Very handy for mistakes and slip ups. These are the two arrows up the top.

Tutorial 2 - Your First Room

OVERVIEW Your first room!

When you are ready to start, right click on the build cube button:

and you will then see the properties of the cube you're going to build. For this tut lets set the Cube to : 256H , 512W and 512B (length is also known as breadth). Now you will see a red box on your screen. This box is your "brush". Now we want to add this brush to our world , so : Click on the Subtract button:

Now you have your first room!!! "But the walls have a shoddy paint job" , I hear you say. Not to worry. This is where it is your turn to make the room look how you want them to. Click on the Texture browser icon (looks like a landscape). Now, the texture browser will show up.

Click on open package (above where it says "Botpack") and select : UTtech2. Now where it says base , select walls. Pick out a nice wall from here and click on it (only once so it is kinda highlighted). Then right click your walls that you want to put it on, and select " apply texture " .Tada! Now your wall looks different! Do the same with the Floor and Ceiling (but not with wall textures!). Now press F8. This button is the Rebuild button. You must press it after every major thing you do. To make the changes. "ARRGGGHHHH" , I here you say! My room is gone! Well actually , you just cant see it because it has no lights in it. Well lets change that. Just above your 3dView you will see a little green cube, with other cubes next to it. Click on the one on the left (textured) of the green one. This will now become green. Ahhhh, I here you say as your room re-appears. The cube on the right of the now green one is "Dynamic Lighting". We will use this after we put some lights in. Anyway, right click any where in your room and select "Add Light Here". You should only put about two or three in this room (but space them out, and make sure they aren't going through the floor or something, make sure that they are in the room). Now rebuild again (F8). Then click on "dynamic lighting" (on the right of the green Cube). Ahhhhh , oooooh .It's pretty isn't it? Now we are finished with our room!

But how are you going to play it I here you say. You have to put in player-starts : Click on the "Actor classes Browser" it looks like a pawn. Now in the browser , expand "Navigation Point" , then left click on "PlayerStart". Now go back to your map and Right click any where on the ground and select "Add PlayerStart Here" (make sure it is as close to the surface as possible , without it going through the floor). If you want a gun in your level , go back to the actor classes browser and select: Inventory, Weapon, Tournament Weapon and then whichever one you want. Add it to your level just like you did the playerstart. Then go to Inventory, Pickup, Ammo, Tournament ammo and select the appropriate One. Add it.

Note before you play: DO NOT USE BOTS IN THIS LEVEL. Because you only have one playerstart, everyone will try to spawn in the same spot, and it will cause everyone to be telefragged.

You are now ready to play your level! Just rebuild, and press on the little Joystick up the top (or press Ctrl P ). If you want to keep it, Save it as " DM- xxxxx" or whatever you want to call it. Just dont forget the "DM" part.

Tutorial 3 - Colored Lighting

Placing the light:
I won"t go into detail here, as you should already know how to place a light, but if you have somehow missed it, then all you have to do it right click where you want it (in the 3D veiw) and select "add light here" from the drop down menu.

Setting the Color:
Once you have added the light where you want it to go, all we have to do is set the color. Once the light has been placed, select it and bring up the advanced properties. Then bring up the "lightColor" tab. Here you will find three setting. The first will determine how much light the light actually produces. The second is what color the light will actually make. The third sets how much saturation is in the color (how affected the area around it is...)

Option One - The Lightbrightness:
This one is pretty straight foward. The more brightness your light has, The brighter it will show up and brighten the area around it.

Option Two - The Light Hue:
Light hue means the color of light generated by the light. This is where the actual color setting is selected. It is as easy as entering a number for the color you want. Unfortunatley, when making a map in the editor, there is no way to find out what color is selected by a particual number. (Well not really anyway). I have added a few colors and their numbers, to make life easier.
Yellow = 23
Green = 64
Blue = 128
Purple = 192
Red = 255
The numbers are actually representing a color wheel (remember those things you made in primary school?), so as you get close to the end (255), you will notice the colors start to go redish - until you get to 255 where the next color is zero again.

Option Three - LightSaturation:
Light Saturation basically means how the textures around it will be effected by the light color. The defualt setting is 255 - Which means the textures around it will reflect ALL the possible colors generated by the light, but to have nice colored lighting, a setting about halfway down the bar (127 - if you want a number) will allow you to generate any color that you like.

When changing any light setting make SURE you do a complete rebuild (include the "auto BSP" tab with the "Auto Lighting" tab as well) otherwise you will run into problems.

Tutorial 4 - Movers

Movers are most section of the level that moves, e.g doors, lifts, flying platforms, etc.

Movers are created by using "Keyframes". These are the points that the lift/doors go through. This means to create a normal door or lift, you only need to use two. One at the start of the lift/door, and one where you want the lift/door to goto. Movers ALWAY travel directly between keyframes in a straight line. If you want to do a platform that goes round a square you need to use four points, one at each corner. Also the mover will always start at keyframe 0, known as the "base" frame, and mover up the frames in numerical value i.e. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and then come back through the keyframes i.e. 7,6,5,4,3,2,1. To make a mover, create a brush, (red framed) and place a texture on it. Then press the "Add mover" Button. (It's the platform with the arrows on the button.) You should now get a purple framed brush. This is your mover. Now place it in the place you want it to start from, e.g. At the bottom of a tower.

Now right click on a line of your mover and select "Mover" and then "Key 1". Now move the mover to where you want it to goto. Goto "Mover" and "Key 0" and create your level. Now stand on/in front of the lift/door and it might move. If not try one of these: (Right click then "properties")

bDamageTriggered- Damage is needed to get the mover to move 
BrushRaytracekey- Not quite sure about this one! I'd leave it alone! 
bTriggerOnlyOnce- If yes, you can only trigger it once. 
BumpEvent- Event to happen if mover is touched when state isBumpOpenTimed. 
BumpType- What can move the mover (I think it's like monsters or people) 
DamageThreshold- How much damage if "bDamageTriggered" is activated 
DelayTime- Time before the mover moves when triggered. (e.g. Phoboes) 
EncroachDamage- How much damage a play takes if hit by it 
KeyNum- Current keyframe at start of level 
MoverEncroachType-What happens when the mover hits someone 
MoverGlideType- If it accelerates or move at a constat speed. (I prefer the first one.) 
MoveTime- Time mover takes between keyframes 
NumKeys- The amount of keyframes the mover goes through 
OtherTime- ? Never had problems, so I leave it alone! 
PlayerBump- Event to happen if bumped by player when state is BumpOpenTimed. 
StayOpenTimed- How long the mover stays at the end keyframe 
WorldRaytraceKey- Not quite sure about this one! I'd leave it alone! 
ClosedSound- Sound heard when mover has finished closing. 
ClosingSound- Sound heard when mover starts to close. 
MoveAmbientSound-Sound heard while moving, either opening or closing. 
OpenedSound- Sound heard when mover has finished opening. 
OpeningSound- Sound heard when mover starts to open. 
If that doesn't help then goto "object" and to "Initial State":
None -You cannot trigger this. (Bit pointless actually! Unless you loop the mover) 
StandOpenTimed- Goes through the keyframes, and back again. 
BumpButton- Have NO idea! ( maybe like BumpOpenTimed but with a button??) 
BumpOpenTimed- Goes through the keyframes, and back again. 
TriggerPound- Keeps going as long as it is triggered. 
TriggerControl- Keeps going if you are in the trigger radius. 
TriggerToggle- Toggles mover between keyframes by trigger. 
TriggerOpenTimed- When triggered it goes through the keyframes, and back again. 

If that hasn't helped then damn you! It took a long time to do that! :-) If you want to use bots in your level (If not think of other people!) Then you MUST use "StandOpenTimed" and "BumpOpenTimed" correctly. Bots see StandOpenTimed as lifts andBumpOpenTimed as doors. It is important you get that right!

If you wanna change the texture, and have 4.36 of UT then right click, and goto "Movers" and then "Show polys" and then you can edit the textures like normal.

Tutorial 5 - Water

Creating a Pool
Lets begin with a simple room already done. Add in a PlayerStart entity (Classes -> Navigation Point -> PlayerStart) somewhere inside the room. Now with your Brush Maker mark where you want the pool to be. Make it about 400x175 with 200 units of height. Put it on the floor of your map (top of the marker hitting the floor), then hit the Subtract from world button and viola you have your pool (with no water ofcourse).

Adding Water
First lets load the liquid texture set genfluid.utx* is fine, this will be needed later. Now with that done hit the Build a Sheet button (button with the grey diamond) and your red marker should become a thin line, right click the Build Sheet button and go to Sheet Properties. Orientation should be Floor/Ceiling and the U and V coordinates should be the same size as the pool you made before (400x175 if you used the same numbers as I mentioned before) hit build and you're set. Then align it correctly with the pool and put it a bit lower than floor level so it doesn't look like it's going to overflow. Now pick the water texture you wish to use and then click on the Add Special Brush button (four down on the right of the toolbar) on the predefined dropdown list pick water. Thanks to the Epic boys the hard part is done for you, the correct water settings. Hit Add Special and you are set. You should see a nice transparent brush in side the pool if not right click on the grid go to Rebuilder (F8) and in Geometry hit Rebuild Geometry (make sure that Auto BSP is not clicked). Bam! You have your water brush.

Water Volume
Ok now you have the top of your water now if you play your level you will see you can't swin around that is because we haven't added the Zone to make it seem like there is water. Now go to the Textures dropdown list and pick Classes, go to Info -> ZoneInfo -> WaterZone. Click on WaterZone and then right click on the grid where the water is (this should be BELOW the water texture) make sure it is correctly inside the pool. After you hit Add you will see a question mark with a cube. Now goto Rebuilder (F8) and Rebuild Geometry then go to the BSP tab and Rebuld BSP make sure Auto Lighthing is not clicked. Lighthing is optional in your case. If you want to go ahead and throw some lights in this shouldn't affect the water. After rebuilding Geometry and BSP save your level and play it. Viola you have a nice cool refreshing pool!

Make it Alive
Want to make your water move? Right click on the water texture and go to Surface Properties. You will see Translucent, Portal, and 2 sided checked, leave it checked. Now check on Small Wavy and click on close and there it should be done.

Adding Sound (Optional)Your pool not good enough silent? Fine then right click on the WaterZone entity (the question mark and the cube inside the pool) Goto Properties and click on Sound. Click on Ambient Sound and it will say None, then click on the three periods and it will open the Sound list on the right for you to choose. None of the ambient sounds are loaded when you start up UnrealED so hit on load and choose the AmbOutside sound package. After it opens choose any of the water sounds you feel like picking. Then hit USE on the WaterZone properties menu and now your water has sound.

That is basically how you make your body of water. Experiment and mess around and you will learn a lot that way. It isn't hard at all it just takes time. Slime and Lava is basically the same just different Zone entities, if Lava and Slime tutorials are needed head over the feedback page and tell us.

* - For textures that are animated already open the Liquids.utx. Then the textures don"t need the surface properties of Big Wavy and Small Wavy. Thanks Rip.

Tutorial 6 - How To Make A Waterfall

Assumptions: I hope that you have a level design worked out. Depending on your map setting the Waterfall could originate from anywhere. But since most waterfalls come from rocky places. Here goes!

(Another note if you have level with a Waterfall and then waterfall comes from a rocky area that is square and flat: hit your self upside your head. Flat cliff sides look like your not even trying, because rock formations are typically jagged. It is far better to take advantage of brushes that look like rock formations, will give a better sense of place)

Note that in my example that I have a pool (where water can flow to) and crevasse area near the top of the cliffs as a source of the waterfall.

Now this is where things get tricky. If you have a waterfall that is up against the wall and plays no important part of the level other that decoration, I recommend just using a sheet brush. However if you want to be able to stand in the water you need to use a brush that has some thickness. (See below, I have to be complicated)

(Now you'll notice in my example that the bottom of my waterfall becomes narrow at the bottom I did that in part because of the direction the water comes from. And I'll add other brushes there later.)

When placing the brush for either type of waterfall use the Add Special tool: this tool as several preset settings use the Water one. Now if your waterfall set up so you can stand under it, you will also want to check the 2-sided attribute. That means it will also act like a separate zone, and when you stand inside you can see the sides of the brush. Brushes that are not 2-sided disappear when if you "enter" them. Also That way you can set zone info in it if you want. Also if you where to stand in the waterfall you would still be able to see the brush itself. When you set the brush you'll want to also leave it just a little off the cliff wall when you stand under it you will see all sides of the waterfall.

Also you'll want to set the Waterfall's surface properties so that it pans downwards.

At this point, the waterfall's texture doesn't look right? It is the same texture as the pool and it flows down but it doesn't look like it is a waterfall. In the surface properties select the Alignment tab, and under scaling there is a U property and a V property. Change this accordingly setting one of the scaling markers at 1 and the other to a number between 5 and 15, these number can change depended on how large your waterfall is.

(Ok that's better)

But here the next problem when fast moving water hit's still water there is a mist and wave effect. Thus the question.

Is how to do this? You can do it one of two ways either by using sheet textures or actor effects. For and example of the sheet texture look at DM-Arcane Temple:

At a distance the mist effect looks good. But up close it losses it's appeal.

Also there is a wave texture put in to further the illusion.

Now lets look at the other method and the one I used. In the Actors browser there is a category called: Effects.

And in effects there is an actor called Short Smoke Generator that produces a sprite effect that looks 3D.

oooowww, mist

As for the smoke generator is the settings whish you should try and play with so that they suit your levels needs. There is one setting called "TotalNumPuffs" that sets how many smoke puff that this actor produces. Either way you will have to set a trigger connected to each smoke generator, because when the "puffs" run out a trigger will set off the smoke generator again. You should do this just in case that number runs out (even if you set it at a ridiculously high "TotalNumPuffs", place the trigger in an area of player high traffic.

Also if the waterfall doesn't match the rest of the pond don't worry the right lighting can fix that.

Don't set the smoke puff at too large of a size or they will look blocky.

Keep in mind the placement of the smoke generators, too many, too close together and it won't look right.

Look at the waterfall from all angles

With trial and error you'll find the right arrangement.

Tutorial 7 - Fire

ASSUMPTIONS: This tutorial assumes that you know your way around the basic interface of Unrealed.

TUTORIAL: Ok after you have UnrealEd loaded you can load up the texture sets that you will need, over in the Browser pane you should see a group of buttons at the bottom of the screen, press Load and load up the Ancient and GreatFire packs.

Now we want to make a simple room, right click on the cube brush and select "Cube Properties..." this will pop up a box where you enter the width, height etc. Change the Height, Width, and Breadth values to 512, hit build this will resize the cube to the new values, then hit close.

Ok now goto your Browser pane and select Ancient from the dropdown menu and select a wall texture you want to use, hit subtract and we now have our room. You can now change the floor and ceiling textures if you want.

Now right click on the Cylinder brush and goto "Cylinder Properties..." Change the height to something like 128 and both Inner/Outer Radius to 64, hit build. And close the popup window.

Move the Cylinder so it is in the center of your level and is flat on the floor, select a new texture for the Cylinder if you want and Add it to the world.

Right click on the Sheet button on your toolbar menu and select "Sheet Properties..." This is what the fire will be placed on. Set the properties to Y-wall, U value of 64 and V to 128. Build the sheet and close the popup window.

Move your sheet so it is in the center and sitting on top of your Cylinder that you added into the world. Select a fire effect to apply onto the sheet, such as "ANCPURP".

Click on Add Special brush in your toolbar, this will popup a new window, on the drop down menu select masked texture, then change the visibility options to 2-sided, and make sure Transparent is checked in Effects. Click add special and then close. The fire texture may be tiled but dont worry about it at this point.

Click on the rotate button on the toolbar and rotate your red sheet builder so it is at a 90 degree angle from the one you just created, and repeate step 8.

Now your fire texture is probably tiled so highlight them in your perspective window and enter their surface properties, under scale make Simple Scaling 2 and hit apply, the textures should be sized correctly now.

Place lights, now place a light or mutiple lights and tweak them until you are satasified with the lighthing.

Note: Don't place lights directly above your fire effect they will drown out the texture and will make the fire like ugly.

Add a PlayerStart and rebuild your level.

Tutorial 8 - Fog

Assumptions: I assume that you know how to create lights, as well as a basic room (at least).

Introduction: Fog adds a feeling of being there, and that"s what we wnat from our levels ins"t it?

Setting the scene: Before we get into fog, we must allow our editor to draw the fog. When you have selected a room for the fog to go, and go into the texture bar, but select "classes" now go into Classes>Info>Zoneinfo . Now add a "Zoneinfo" into your level. It doesn't matter where you place it, as long as it is in the same zone (don"t place it underwater, if you want the fog just above the water level for example) as where you want the fog to go. Now open up the advanced properties, and then the zoneinfo tab. Change the "bFogZone" to TRUE, and close the advanced properties.

The light settings: Well the hard part is out of the way, so now it's a simple amtter of placing the lights where you want them, and editing their settings like this... The "Volume Brightness" setting will determine how bright the light is inside the volume of it's area. The "Volume Fog" setting will determine how "thick" the fog is. The "Volume Radius" setting will determine how large the area is that the light and fog effect. It is possible to play with color settings as well, to create colored fog. In the example show here, I have created purple fog (No not a "Purple Haze" :)...).

A Little Warning: Fog !!SLOWS!! down pc"s, and it should really be used sparingly. Creating a Huge outdoor setting, then filling it with fog might sound cool, but unfortunatley, it would be unplayable on everything but NASA! If you have multiple zones, you will find that fog cannot be seen from one zone to another, so if you want multiple zones, then make sure you place a "Zoneinfo" in each zone where you want the fog, and set it to the above configuration.

Tutorial 9 - Reflections And Reflective Surfaces

Assumptions: I am only assuming that you already know how to create a wall, floor, roof or anything that has a texture and can follow instructions... :)

Introduction: The first thing to decide is where you will have reflective surfaces. I mean, you CAN have them everywhere, but there are a few guidelines to placing mirrors and reflective surfaces. These are simply here to make your level playable on something that does not resemble NASA and so that you will actually be able to see (I will explain this later)
Where to put Reflective Surfaces:
1. Mirrors are generally best placed on walls, as this means that anyone passing them !Should! see themselves.
2. Partly Reflective surfaces (not mirrors, but say a marble floor with a high polish) seem to look best when they are used as a floor, as this gives a beautiful effect of reflectiveness - but not a mirror (have you ever seen a mirror on the ground?)
3. When placing mirrors, make sure you don"t place them ALL around a single area with lights in it, as they will all reflect the light, thus amplifying the light to a ridiculas level and generally SLOWING that section of the map to a ridiculas speed (completely unplayable on everything but NASA).
4. Mirrors and reflective surfaces unfortunatley WILL slow your level down, so I would suggest that you use them sparingly - mainly for eyecandy - rather then using this as a main playing feature. :)

Full Mirrors:
To create a full mirror on a surface, select the surface and go into Surface properties (Right Clicking). Now check the boxes "Mirror" and "Unlit".
1. "Mirror" will turn the texture into a mirror (Duh!) but this will also cause it to be uneffected by the lights around it, which means that it will be a black surface until something like a Blaster (the first gun, just in case...) is set off next to it. Then and ONLY then will it actually show up as a mirror to the light generated from the blast :(
2. "Unlit" will make normal lighting effect the surface. I mean, if you have a nicely lit room, the mirror will look like a normal mirror... :)

Partly Reflective Surfaces:
Now we are talking floors, polished surfaces and dirty mirrors (the cool stuff that is...). Simply follow the same steps as above, but this time ALSO check the "Translucent" box under the Surface Properties. This will make the surface act like a mirror, but also allow you to see the texture that the surface is drawn with. This works VERY well for floor using the "marble" textures.

Additional Notes on mirrors:
Mirrors will not show up until you are in the actual game - I mean they will not show up as mirrors when looking through the 3D veiw of the editor... Don"t worry this is perfectly normal and is there to make your editing life easier. As I said before, mirrors and partly reflective surfaces are best used sparingly, as they DO! Slow down the gameplay.

Tutorial 10 - Zones And Zone Barriers

Assumptions: I assume that you have a decent knowledge of the editor, and how to create a basic level.

Introduction: Zones can be quite tricky if you don"t really understand how they work, so if we explain them and how they work, life should be a WHOLE lot easier.

Setting the scene:
Zones are used by the editor to know when to stop filling an area with water, they also tell the editor when to make changes to the ambient lighting in an area. They can be used to accomplish a million things, but to do so we must understand how they work. A zone is simply an "invisible wall" that does not affect the player, ie doesn't stop them or anything like that, but tell the editor to stop doing whatever the last zoneinfo told them to do. A zone is automatically placed for example when you use the "Add Special > Waterzone" button. This not only adds in a sheet that can be textured, and made to look nice, and the rest of it, but places an invisible zone barrier, so when we place the "Waterzone Info" below the water line, the editor puts the water UNDER the shhet, then stops adding water to the rest of the room. You can set these barriers in pretty much any way you like, so if you want a complex waterfall, you can make it look really good by using a complex brush, then selecting "waterzone" and adding it in. A zone does not have to be a sheet! It can be any shape that can be made with the construction brush, although sticking to something that isn't too complex is normally a good idea...

How to use zone barriers best:
Technically you could set up a barrier wherever you like, but it is a good idea to be able to place them (assuming they are not a water zone ect) in a place where you will not readily be able to see both zones at the same time. I mean a good place for a barrier would be in a hallway, placed so that the player can see into either zone, but not both. This then stops any problems about Fog not being seen from afar or other problems that can occur. On this note, if you have fog that you would like to add in somewhere, then make sure that you set the barriers in a place where you will not be able to see the fog from. I mean, place the barriers around a corner for example, as when you set a zone to have fog in it, if you should be able to see the fog from afar, and the player is inside another zone, then they will see the light, but the fog will not be seen from the other zone EVEN if it should be in plain view - so keeping barriers around corners is a good rule of thumb to stick to...

The best way to create the barriers:
A barrier MUST completely fill the gap where you want it to be. This may sound silly, but most problems occur when a map editor places a barrier and it looks OK, but the editor keeps finding a TINY (It may not even seem to be there at all...) hole and assumes that it is not a barrier at all, so when you place a barrier, make sure that you create a sheet (or other shape) that is bigger then the area you want the barrier to be in, and INTERSECT it with the world. This means that the editor makes sure there are NO holes in it. This also is generally a better way, because it will make a smaller brush thus putting less load on the processor.

Prefab zones:
The editor comes with a LOT of pre-programmed zones, and for the most part, these will do quite nicely. There are "Water Zones", "Lava Zones" and a whole lot more. These should be allow you to create a fair amount. If you want to create a Fog Zone, then have a quick look at the "Fog" tutorial on this site, and it will tell you what you need to know. If you want to create your own settings for zones then I should have a tutorial posted on it shortly.

Tutorial 11 - Teleporters (Quake 2 Style)

It's easy here is how you can do it. I will not go into detail here on how to create the shapes of teleporters, or how to create the texture that I have used here, but only deal with the Real Fun stuff. If you really want to know, I used a simply cone for the basic shape, the floor lofter for the base, and the "fire Engine" for the texture. there, that"s about as detailed as that"s going to get. The good stuff follows.

You will need a really basic understanding of the editor here, as it's so damned simple =) First make two rooms. Do noconnect them in any way. Make sure that they are separated from each other completely. I have made these rooms 256x512x768 but"s it completely up to you. I have made the two room to look completely different, but once again, tah"s up to you. It might be a good idea to try to make a teleporter series that sends the player to places that seem identical just to be really confusing, but that"s another story...

Locate the place in the 3D voew where you want the first teleporter to go, and open the "Classes" menu. Open the "Navpoint" subclass, then choose "Teleporter" (Coincedence? I think not... ;-). Now you most likely be automatically moved to the "favorite" thing, but select the normal teleporter again, and place it in the the 3D view where you want it to go. This will be the first teleporter that your player sees. Well, actually if you are placing these into your level (and not making a little tutorial level then it makes no difference, otherwise it will be the first one that the player sees). Ok, That done, open the advanced properties of the teleporter (right click on the icon) and select the "Event" tag. name it "One" under Tag. This will name the teleporter for other teleporters to link to.

Ok, that was easy wasn"t it? Now go to the place where you will have your second teleporter and place it in, just like you did the first. This will be where the first teleporter sends the player when they walk through it. Now, in the "Event>Tag" entry, type in "Two". Sheit, I am so damned creative with names for teleporters eh? Hehee. This time, when you have entered the tag (the name of the teleporter) also open the "Teleporter" menu from the bottom. Right at the bottom there is a entry names URL. This has got nothing to do with the net, but actually refers to the teleporter that the player will be sent to from this one. In the feild type in "One".

Now, go back to your first teleporter and in the same field (the URL entry under Teleporter) and enter "Two" as the URL. This will create a simple loop between the two. When the player walks into one, they will be sent to the other.This is the most basic of teleporters. Ie, one send to the other, and vise-versa. It will let you make nice teleporters. The following will explain some of the more complicated things (although still quite easy) that you can do with teleporters.

Pathed Teleporters: I don"t know what to call them, so I made up that name, but this will simply make a chain of teleporters, rather then just having the two that send the player back and forth. To make a "line" of teleporters, all you will have to do, is to create a third (or fourth or fifth etc etc) teleporter, and change the URL corresponding to the teleporter that you want it to go to.This will then send the player to a different location if they try to "weasel out" and go back to where they came from. Nice if you have a particularily nasty monster near a teleporter, and the player tries to flee back to where they just came from. Nice to send them to a dark place that has yet another monster there. ( I think that I am too nasty sometimes.... Oh Well. Sue me =)

Single Destination Teleporters: You can make a whole heap of teleporters all have the same destination. All you have to do is to change their respective URL"s to the same tag of a teleporter. This is a good idea to do, if you want a series of "one way" teleporters. This will allow you to have a teleporter go to another, and then send the player to a destination if they try to run back through the teleporter that they just came through. A nice deadly trap comes to mind...

One Way Teleporters: This is really simple. All you have to do, is to make the teleporter"s URL entry blank. This way a player will not be able to run away from whatever you have in the new part of your level.

Tutorial 12 - The Finishing Touches

To Put A Screenshot In Your Map:
Step 1
In Unreal Tournament, play your map. Press F9 to take a screenshot when you've got a nice bit of it on the screen. In the UnrealTournament/System directory, there should now be a Shot00X.bmp, where X is the number of the shot you took. Open it in a simple graphics program (but not MSPaint), crop and resize it to 256X256 size, and decrease the color depth in it to 256 colors. Save it as a PCX, not a BMP. You can do this with a simple program like IrfanView (http://www.irfanview.com), one of the best image format converters and image viewers.
Step 2
Once you've got the 256X256 PCX in 256 colors saved, open your map in UnrealED. In the LevelInfo properties (View/LevelInfo), there's a spot labeled 'screenshot' under the LevelInfo expandable menu. Click next to where it says 'screenshot', and click the '...'. This opens the texture browser. In the texture browser, go to File/Import..., and find your texture, Import it, and it will bring up a dialog box. In the dialog box, enter the following values:
Package: MyLevel (spelling is important, and it's case sensitive)
Group: nothing (as in, don't put anything here. If there already is something, remove it)
Name: screenshot (again, case sensitive. Spell it exactly as seen here)
Make sure both checkboxes are disabled (turn of the 'generate mipmaps' one), then press OK.
Once your screenshot is imported under 'MyLevel', click on it (select it), then go back to the LevelInfo properties, then click 'use' in the 'screenshot' box.
Save your map.

To Add Music:
In the LevelInfo properties, under 'Audio', there should be a box for what music piece to use, with nothing in it. Click the three dots, which opens the music browser. Open the desired piece (at which time you can play it to make sure it's the one you want), select the one you want in the music browser, go back to the LevelInfo properties, and hit 'use' in the music box under 'Audio'.